Starting when she was only 5 years old Ally Scuderi has been mesmerized by dancing. When she was younger her mother had taken her to many recitals and all she wanted to do was dance along with them. Her mother put her into some dance classes at Moritas school of dance, to see how she did and she excelled. Ally now dances Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Modern, Pointe, Acro and her favorites Hip Hop, Contemporary and Lyrical. Ally has been doing dance for so long now that she helps teach it herself, to children the age she was when she first started.

Ally is passing along the experience of realizing what they want to do just like she did. All her teaching work is community service snd usually teaches about seven and a half hours a day. Ally could see herself staying in the dance business for quite a long time, she dreams of joining the “Young Americans” and dance group that travels around the country to dance. She then sees herself going into surgery. Another one of her hopes is to be on Dancing with the stars.

Every dance she learns she is the first to perfect it. Front of the line and top of her class, she truly is an elite dancer.

Photo and video credit to Alexandria Scuderi